Computer Society Meeting Notes – Computer Security Verus Today’s Threats
October 18, 2011 | Posted by Frank Gomez under CS |
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September 22, 2011 – Claremont Graduate University, Albrecht Auditorium, 925 N. Dartmouth Ave., Claremont, CA
Voted in unanimously by the IEEE members in attendance, were
- César Vásquez-Carrera as Chairman
- Bill Grist as Vice Chairman
Kevin Haley, Director Product Manager, Symantec Corporation Security Response
Computer security versus today’s threats: Mobile, Social Media, and Stuxnet
(Note: Stuxnet information available at

Framed Computer Society certificate of appreciation presented to Kevin Hayley (Symantec Corporation).
PHOTO L-R: Kevin Haley, Frank Freyne (Foothill Section Chairman), and César Vásquez-Carrera (Computer Society Chapter Chairman)
It was a packed event with 78 people in attendance (60 students, and 18 IEEE members)! Fifty-eight attendees were from the Claremont Colleges, from CGU and Harvey Mudd College, plus two student officers representing the IEEE Student Chapters from Cal Baptist University and DeVry University Pomona. Attendees provided their e-mail addresses, it was optional, for the purpose of notifying them on future chapter meetings and conferences. Soft drinks and great-tasting pizza were catered by the Pomona College. We need to thank the CGU SISAT university officials, especially Dean Tom Horan, for helping out with part of the food bill. We also need to thank CGU SISAT professor Gondy Leroy, Ph.D. for taking care of the meeting logistics. Students have expressed that they’ll use some of the information received during the presentation/lecture on their term and research papers both grad and undergraduate. Needless to say, it was a successful, kick-off meeting for the newly-formed IEEE Foothill Section Computer Society Chapter, a win-win for all!