Computer Society Meeting Notes – Intelligent Music Software
April 10, 2012 | Posted by Frank Gomez under CS |
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February 23, 2012 – Claremont Graduate University, ACB-214, 160 E. 10th St., Claremont, CA
Dr. Robert Keller, Professor of Computer Science at Harvey Mudd College and Faculty at Claremont Graduate University
Intelligent Music Software
PHOTO L-R: Prof. Robert Keller and César Vásquez-Carrera (Computer Society Chapter Chairman).
It was a packed event with 51 people in attendance (43 students, and 8 IEEE members). Attendees provided their e-mail addresses during the questionnaire at the end of the presentation. Soft drinks and great-tasting pizza were catered by the Pomona College. Again, we need to thank the CGU SISAT staff, especially professor Gondy Leroy, Ph.D. for taking care of the meeting logistics. We also need to thank the Dean of CGU, Tom Horan, for giving us a brief talk on programs. Students have expressed that the intelligent music software was very interesting. Needless to say, it was another successful chapter meeting, our first in 2012.