Engineering Consulting: What Does It Take? Presentation – LAACN/OCCN Joint Mtg 9/22/2012
September 24, 2012 | Posted by Frank Gomez under CN, CS, EmpNet |
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To all Foothill Members and the FENet who think they want to become an independent consultant at some point; this presentation and set of tools are for you! Kip Haggerty, IEEE member from LA and long time consultant, has graciously allowed you to review and learn from his presentation tips, many of which were learned the hard way. He presented this last Saturday at CSUF and took questions from the audience. The IRS test and presentation slides are linked below; along with some hourly rate pricing help. The IEEE Consultants survey data is also worked into this presentation and this is essential if you are considering going out on your own as a consultant.
Title: Engineering Consulting: What Does It Take?
Date: Presented to LAACN/OCCN Joint Meeting 9/22/2012 (PDF 1 MB)
Slides: The charts are at: <
Presentor: Kip Haggerty • IEEE Los Angeles Area Consultants Network <>