Foothill Employment Network 1-22-13 & 2-26-13 mtgs@IHOP Upland 7pm
January 14, 2013 | Posted by Frank Gomez under EmpNet |
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This is a reminder that the next FENET meeting is coming up soon. The goal of this meeting is: IEEE members helping each other to find full employment. A new Interview Prep Tool will be offered to attendees at this event as well. We hope to see you there!
Objective: General Body and Committees
Date: 1/22/2013 ]
Time: 7 PM
Location: [IHOP Restaurant, Upland, CA]
1. Call to Order/[Chairman Cash Sutton III, P.E.] (1mins.)
2. Welcome-Introductions/[ Chairman](5 mins.)
3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes/[Group] (2 mins)
4. Additions to Agenda (2 mins)
5. Officers Reports(5 mins)
a. Treasurer
6. Committee Reports (20 mins)
a. Business Information Research
b. SBIR Opportunities
c. New Business Incubator
d. Student liaison
7. Non-Agenda Item(s)
8. Old Business (5 mins)
a. Frank Freyne – Draft letter to businesses
9. New Business (30 mins)
10. Adjournment
[February 26th 2013]
Objective: General Body and Committees
Date: 11/27/2012 ]
Time: 7 PM
Location: [IHOP Restaurant, Upland, CA]
1. Call to Order/[Chairman Cash Sutton III, P.E.] @ 7pm
2. Welcome-Introductions/[ Chairman]
Alan Chik
Frank Frenye
Bill Grist
Judi Hileman
Ralph Hileman
Kim Mosley
Keith Reno
Raja D. Singh
Cash Sutton
Ricardo Vega
Evan Owen
William Smit
Dennis Constantinou
Joseph Pasek
Steve Santamaria
Catherine Hileman
Theda Dixon
3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes/[Group]
a. Approved.
4. Additions to Agenda
5. Officers Reports(30 mins)
a. Treasurer
6. Committee Reports (20 mins)
a. Business Information Research – No update
b. SBIR Opportunities – no update
c. New Business Incubator – no update
d. Student liaison – no update
7. Non-Agenda Item(s)
a. Bill Grist – Job opportunities – Bill presented and posted jobs; we look forward to feedback from members who pursued opportunities.
b. Cash Sutton presented and posted open positions identified by Art Sutton; we also look forward to feedback from members who pursued
8. Old Business (5 mins)
a. Frank Freyne – Draft letter to businesses – under construction
b. Joe Pasek – update on employment search – Joe shared what might be considered a horror story for this employment environment.
The client he was interested in working with was essentially fishing for talent in preparation for future work.
9. New Business (30 mins) Hiring Process overview by
Mr. Steve Santamaria
IEEE DeVry Student Chapter Member
IT Services Supervisor at CRMLS (California Regional Multiple Listing Service)
Steve provided an informative overview of how his company uses himself and others to screen potential employees.
10. Adjournment @ 9 pm
[January 22th 2013]