Foothill IEEE Students Active at February 12 EXCOM meeting
February 15, 2013 | Posted by Frank Gomez under CN, COMSOC, CS, EDCAS, EmpNet, General, MTT/APS, PES |
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Our February 2013 IEEE Foothill Section EXCOM meeting had several agenda items directly involving our IEEE student members. Students form all our Foothill Section engineering schools, with the exception of CSU San Bernardino were in attendance.

Our Foothill Student Branch representatives, shown after dinner and a lively presentation by UCR students on their visit to CES Las Vegas show
These agenda items were:
- Student-Branch/Chapter reports: UCR, CSU San Bernardino, CPP, CBU Riverside, DeVry-Pomona, Harvey Mudd College / At startup IEEE Student Chapter meetings this Academic Year- talk on “Why the IEEE is Important to YOU and YOUR Career” has been given to several schools; talk to be given to the other schools in early 2013 (UC Riverside on February 20)
- Presentation by UC Riverside students, “What was Important and What Impressed Us at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January 2013”
- Planning for All Foothill Students Congress, with speakers from “James Webb Space Telescope” program / NGC on Saturday April 20, 2013 at CPP
We heard about the UC Riverside conduction of a Boy Scout Merit badge day for more than 120 Boy Scouts earning Merit Badges in Electricity, Electronics, and Computers on a Saturday in late January on their campus, with over 80 IEEE student volunteers helping the efforts; the California Baptist University Riverside completing their LED cubes project, and their plans for Math Counts for Riverside area Jr HS students; Cal Poly Pomona on their detailed spread-sheet proposal for their Winter Quarter Soldering workshop and their fund raising plans for upcoming Engineer’s Week; DeVry on their growth with consolidation with their internal DeVry EE Club, and plans for their Cyber Defense team; and Harvey Mudd College on their industry outreach to Broadcomm .
This was followed by a lively and well planned presentation by Luke DeR and Justin B on their large IEEE student branch “Caravan” trip to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas NV in early January. Easily a highlight of the CES show, from their perspective, was the on camera processing, to isolate a figure in the forefront of an image, and blur out the rest of the background, with on-camera processing chips, as demonstrated by Intel. There were other significant technical exhibits, especially robots designed around open-source Arduino processers, that caught their attention.
Plans are underway for student branch presentations and student papers at our All Foothill Student Congress on April 20, 2013. Please stay tuned.

Funding support check are given by our Foothill Treasurer Keith R and our MTT Chair Max To Cal Poly Pomona representatives to support their upcoming student soldering workshop Max