December 3, 2014 | Posted by Frank Gomez under CN, COMSOC, CS, EDCAS, EmpNet, General, MTT/APS, PES, Region 6 |
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As we approach the Holiday Season, and the end of the year 2014, there are many things that we as IEEE members can be thankful for. Any such list would include our families, our friends, our engineering and scientific work, our community interests—and our fellow IEEE members. The IEEE provides a professional umbrella, if we can call it that, with professional associations, opportunities to enhance our EE knowledge base and skill set, as well as a ready network of IEEE members throughout all the professional EE work specialties. With just an email or two, you can be in contact with similar interest IEEE professionals all around the USA and around the world.
If you have not already done so, please try it. You will find that the IEEE staff and IEEE members everywhere will respond to your email message queries.
The knowledge base for EE continues to grow and grow. The IEEE is the premier organization that evaluates, peer-reviews, circulates, and chronicles this veritable explosion in our technology. In fact, the IEEE is the only institution that will help sort through this information, and help you acquire updated skills, or a new set of EE skills as needed. The IEEE is the organization that sets the engineering standards for the industry. Just a quick look at the IEEE Xplore website should give you a glimpse of the EE knowledge base, as well as the names and contact emails of other IEEE professionals working on specific topics of interest to you.
Please remember to renew your IEEE membership for the year 2015 NOW.
At our local IEEE Foothill Section level, we remind you that we are in the process of nominating new officers for the year 2015. Please consider volunteering as a Section officer for one of our program managerial or technical chapter positions. Either come to our IEEE Foothill Section EXCOM meeting on Tuesday evening December 9, 2014 in Upland, or send us an email expressing your interests by December 31, 2014 or sooner. You will find information on our current officer positions, our current IEEE technical chapters, as well as our Consultants Network and the IEEE Foothill Employment Network activities on our website (””). For responses and further inquiries, please contact
Upcoming events that should be of interest to you include our IEEE Foothill Section Entrepreneur Forum #3, which will be held here on Saturday January 31, 2914. We will have speakers to address these topics:
(1) Mobile Communications with Social Media for Engineers,
(2) Updated US Patent Law Issues for Engineering Entrepreneurs,
(3) Ethical Issues that Confront the Practicing Engineer,
(4) “Start-up Engineer Entrepreneurs Tell Their Story”.
We note also that the Region 6 IEEE, which the IEEE Foothill Section is part of, will be sponsoring a conference for IEEE Young Professionals and IEEE Students, entitled “Rising Stars for Young Engineers” at the Rivera Hotel in Las Vegas NV on January 2nd through January 4th, 2015. As Ms Emily Chung, our Region 6 Student Professional Activities Coordinator describes this event,
“The (Rising Stars Conference) program consists of various themes, including but not limited to Professional Development, Visualization (think: animation, image processing and hi-tech engineering applications), Entrepreneurship, Mentoring and the Internet of Things. We also plan to have development kit sessions as well as a 4 hour comprehensive backstage engineering tour of a Cirque du Soleil show!”
If you are an IEEE Foothill student member, please contact us; we will provide partial registration fees sponsorship for this conference. In turn, we will ask that you prepare a report on the Rising Stars Conference for posting on our IEEE Foothill Website.
We welcome you to the New Year 2015, and encourage you to become more involved with the IEEE Foothill Section activities, your EE professional organization.
Thank you.
Frank G Freyne PhD
Chair, IEEE Foothill Section