IEEE Student Day at Antenna Measurements Technology Day Successful 10/13/2015
October 21, 2015 | Posted by Frank Gomez under CN, COMSOC, CS, EDCAS, MTT/APS |
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AMTA Student Day 2015 in Long Beach, CA was a day to remember. We had approximately 10 students from our IEEE Foothill section schools Cal Poly Pomona and UC Riverside. There were also students from Cal State Northridge, UC Irvine and UCLA.
AMTA provided two great speakers for the students. First was Brian Kent, Ph. D. from ARA (Applied Research Associates) who spoke on the Space Shuttle Return to Flight effort which focused primarily on RADAR systems to help track launch debris. The title of his talk was, “Return-to-Flight Electromagnetic Measurements—The NASA Shuttle Ascent Debris Radar System”. The second speaker was Dr. Yahya Rahmat-Samii from UCLA and a well known expert in Antenna Design and Analysis. His talk was titled, “The Art, Science and Engineering of Modern Antenna Measurements: From Marconi’s First Measurements to Today’s Amazing Advances”.
Along with the talks the students were given special presentations by four manufacturers in the Exhibit Hall and they participated in a hands-on antenna design competition where the students had to design, fabricate and test a helical antenna. The student group that won the challenge was from Cal State Northridge.
Many thanks to Pat Pelland, Tony Sanchez, and their AMTA colleagues from NearField Systems INC. in Torrance, CA for coordinating the AMTA student day, and specifically, inviting our IEEE Foothill students to attend.
AND, thanks to Our IEEE Foothill Section MTT / APS Chair Max C, and Professor Jerry H. for escorting our IEEE Foothill students to, during, and from this event. WELL DONE!
Students hear what the Antenna Design requirements are: Ready, Set, GO!
A Description from an Antenna Expert—-Students pay Attention
Time is moving On—–How is Your Antenna Preliminary Design Moving Along?

Detailed Charts to Illustrate a measurement point—Necessary for our Students and Foothill experts too.