January 10, 2017 | Posted by Frank Gomez under CN, COMSOC, EDCAS, MTT/APS |
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The IEEE COMSOC Chapter was pleased to present a talk by Professor Rose Quinyang Hu (Utah State University) on Thursday November 10, 2016. The meeting was held at DeVry University Pomona. The topics addressed some of the network design issues that are under nationwide conversation and preliminary development by communication systems and network systems engineers as the requirements and goals for the next iteration, known as “5G” are examined.We had a small but enthusiastic audience of IEEE Foothill members in attendance.
A summary of the lecture presented by Professor Hu follows:
Device-to-Device (D2D) communication, MultIple User Multiple Input Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) and MillimeterWave (mmWave) are among the key technologies in the next generation (5G) cellular network as they can significantly improve the system performance on connectivity, spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency. In this talk, we will address how to exploit these technology advantages and tackle the key technical challenges to achieve high system performance gains. In particular, we will present D2D, MU-MIMO, NOMA and mmWave based schemes and their related performance study in 5G/ (Internet of Things) IoT settings. These schemes include power control in D2D underlaid cellular networks, beamforming and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) based MU-MIMO in a downlink cellular network with underlay D2D users, and relay-assisted Millimeter Wave cellular networks. The talk will present detailed 5G system model, technology background, mathematical approaches and performance results based on both analysis and simulations. Key technical insights from these studies will be provided.

IEEE Section Chair Max Cherubin and DeVry University faculty member Nick Ng thank Professor Rose Hu for her presentation to IEEE Foothill