May 15, 2017 | Posted by Frank Gomez under Student Activities |
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PDF Version of Year Summary: 2017R6Awards_LargeStudentBranch_CPP
Student Branch at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Region 6
Our Mission Statement
As the student chapter of the national organization, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Cal Poly Pomona student chapter shares IEEE’s core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Our Purpose
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Cal Poly Pomona student chapter exists for the betterment of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and its students. With an emphasis on Electrical and Computer Engineering, we focus on the technical, professional, and individual development of all of our student engineers and non-engineers alike. We share IEEE’s vision of being essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and being universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.
What We’ve Provided and Continue to Nurture
- Industry tours to major companies, such as Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Western Digital.
- Hands-on technical workshops, including our most popular quarterly soldering tutorial.
- Informational presentations by various companies that include, but are not limited to, Raytheon, Thales, and Panasonic Avionics Corporation.
- Endless networking and professional communication opportunities with industry professionals and alumni working in industry.
- Fun, engaging, social activities for our current and graduated student members to expand professional and social networks.
- Professional development opportunities through locally hosted conferences, such as SPAx (Student Professional Awareness Experience).
IEEE Cal Poly Pomona Events
- September
- Bronco Fusion Club Fair September 23rd
- First week of School at the club fair in Student Common Area, we set up a table with IEEE Flyers and micromouses trying to advertising IEEE and received about 30 signups.
- General Meeting
- Had 120 students show up to our meeting in which we gave the overview of what IEEE is at Cal Poly Pomona and plans for the year.
- Bronco Fusion Club Fair September 23rd
- October
- PSPICE Workshop October 4th
- Showed students how to use PSPICE by creating a low pass filter and high pass filter and getting the bode plot for both circuits. One of our officers taught this tutorial.
- IEEE Day October 4th
- Our school has a games room at our student center in which we rented out for our members 5-7pm to celebrate IEEE day. Members had the choice of playing pool, video games, foosball, and ping pong.
- IoT / Micromouse 1st Meeting October 7,14, 21
- Our workshop series which takes place on Fridays. We have purchased Photon Particle boards, a leading IoT development board, for our members to play with. Our project chair Gerry runs the IoT workshops where he introduces students to IoT projects with the big yearly project aimed at creating vacuum using an Alexa and a small vacuum with motors added to it. For micromouse our Project Chair Andy teaches the workshop series on how to create a micrmouse. We have 5 teams of micromouse.
- General Meeting/ Netiquette October 11th
- Gave an overview of upcoming events and did a get-to-know each other activity. After updates were finished we tuned in to a netiquette presentation given to us by the Career Center.
- Nasa JPL Information Session October 13th
- Nasa JPL came to our school to talk about their process for recruiting engineers.
- Engineering Club Fair October 13th
- At this club fair aimed towards engineers, our group of officers represented IEEE and the benefits of joining our club on campus.
- Google Inc. Information Session October 14th
- A joint club information session with our school’s Computer Science club where google talked about their recruiting process and how to do well at acing their 4 hour long interviews. After Google gave a presentation on machined learning.
- Industry Lunch n’ Learn Southern California Edison October 20th
- A joint club session with IEEE PES, we had Socal Edison come to our school talking about their company and the jobs they are hiring for and what engineers do when working for Edison.
- Industry Lunch n’ Learn Boeing Site Services October 25th
- We had Boeing Site Services come to our school talking about their company and the jobs they have available and the life of an engineer at Boeing.
- PSPICE Workshop October 4th
- November
- IoT / Micromouse Meeting 4,11,18
- General Meeting November 1st
- Soldering Tutorial November 5th
- Our Quarterly Soldering event in which we have provided 20 students learn the basics of soldering and
- Industry Lunch n’ Learn SDG&E November 15th
- We had SDG&E come to our school talking about their company and the jobs they have available and the life of an engineer at SDG&E
- December
- CES January 6-8th
- We organized a trip to CES for 40 IEEE members.
- CES January 6-8th
- January
- IoT / Micromouse Meeting January 6, 13, 20, 27
- General Meeting January 10th
- EagleCad Tutorial January 17th
- A tutorial on designing a pcb via EagleCad in which we discussed wire length, placement of parts, wire routing, and how to fabricate a design when finished.
- NAVAIR Recruitment Info Session Jan 18th
- We had NAVAIR come to our school talking about their company and the jobs they have available and the life of an engineer at NAVAIR
- General Meeting January 24th
- February
- IoT / Micromouse Meeting February 3rd
- Soldering Tutorial February 4th
- Our Quarterly Soldering Tutorial.
- Microcontroller Workshop February 8th
- For preparation of HackPoly we hosted a microcontroller workshop in which we discussed what a microcontroller is and how to use one for projects. We ran through pseudocode and thought the attendees how to program it.
- HackPoly February 11th
- As a Partner for Hackpoly we had some members help set up but almost all of our members were actively participating in the hackathon. Our president is one of the organizers of the event.
- General Meeting Feburary 21st
- LEAP/IEEE JPL Speaker Feb 28th
- Working with another club on campus we had a JPL speaker come out to give an inspirational speech about success.
- ELECTIONS Feb 28th
- We conducted our elections successfully getting all our e-board positions filled.
- March
- Cookies and Code March 6, 13th
- Cookies and Code is a series in which we tackle questions from Cracking the Coding Interview. The first hour we collaborate to solve a coding problem discussing various methods. The 2nd hour we have the students do a problem by themselves then after 40 minutes when the timer sets off we all discuss our solutions.
- Northrop Grumman Tour March 3rd
- 20 Students went to Northrop Grumman at Redondo Beach to get a tour of the various projects and research Northrop Grumman does.
- Miller Coors Tour March 10th
- 20 Students toured the Miller Coors facility in Irwindale to understand the factory and control systems behind it.
- Cookies and Code March 6, 13th
- April
- Cookies and Code April 7, 14, 21, 28
- Members Only Appreciation April 10th
- To appreciate our members and gain more interest in IEEE we had a Member Appreciation Day, in which we bought tacos for our members.
- Region 6, Joint Southern and Southwestern Area Meeting April 22nd
- Under the guidance of Charlie Jackson Cal Poly Pomona IEEE helped host the Region 6, Joint Southern and Southwestern Area Meeting which included training and discussions for section and student leaders. Also included was a micromouse competition and a student design competition.
- May
- Cookies and Code May 4, 11, 18, 25
- Soldering Tutorial May 6th
- Our Quarterly Soldering Tutorial.
- Banquet May 21st
- End of year banquet for IEEE and ECE department presented by IEEE in which we give out awards and enjoy each others company before the last few weeks of school.
Advisor Dr. Zekeriya Aliyazicioglu |
Advisor Dr. Rajan Chandra
President Shawn Bahr
Vice President Siam Haque |
Secretary Angelica Guzman |
Treasurer Shawn Greene |
Industry Representative Troy Gross |
Industry Representative Garlen Mousesian |
Program Chair Sunisa Somsookh |
Nivedita Singh |
Project Development Andy Klaib |
Project Development Gerry Patia |
Foothill Section Representative Eric Tran |