IEEE Foothill Section Elections
December 18, 2018 | Posted by Frank Gomez under General |
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We hope your Holiday Shopping is going off without a hitch. This year our Section will be condusting our Election using vTools Ballot. Members should have already received an email from ou-evoting with links and announcement of the elections.
I forgot to also include in the message that there is a deadline for write-in candidates. The last day that you can write yourself in for any of the officer position is Friday December 21st, 2018.
The Chair position for EDS/CAS is open – the incumbent will not be running for another term. So feel free to write your name in for this or as I mentioned any of the positions open. vTools allows you to write your name in and put in a short summary on why you consider yourself a good candidate for the officer position. IEEE Student members can run for certain officer positions, please chaeck with section chair.
So I hope you can vote and/or volunteer to be our next Chair of <you fill in the name of the society or group>. Thank you for your time and I look forward to our next ExCom on January 8th, 2019 to hopefully be able to announce our 2019 cadre of officers. Happy Holidays to ALL!
David E. González
Inland Empire, Chair of IEEE Foothill Section