2019 IEEE Region 4 & 6 OpCom Meeting
September 9, 2018 | Posted by Frank Gomez under |
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IEEE Regions 6 & 4 – Inspiration, Imagination, Innovation for 2019
On January 25-27, 2019, Regions 6 and 4 will have their annual Operating Committee meetings which will feature a combination of interactive sessions, speakers and meetings.
The IEEE Region 6 Opcom is the largest annual IEEE Region 6 meeting, and gathers together the entire IEEE Region 6 Committee – Including the chairs of all IEEE Region 6 sections, Region 6 Area and Activity Chairs, and Region 6 Executive Committee Officers. The theme is Innovation, Imagination, and Inspiration for 2019. In addition to regular region business, bylaws, and budget, the meeting includes extensive training and opportunities to learn from local and global IEEE experts including 2019 IEEE President, 2019 IEEE President, and leaders from major technical and educational activities and organizations across IEEE. Candidates and leaders from IEEE-USA will be presenting on advocacy and professional activities that advance technology for humanity.
The event will incorporate the IEEE-USA Awards Ceremony as part of Saturday’s luncheon.