September 13, 2017 | Posted by Frank Gomez under |
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11022 Aviation Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
October 20, 2017 — Advanced Registration closes 10/13
Friday, October 20, 2017, from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM, for the 2017 CLASTECH Symposium and Exhibition. We will be back at the Proud Bird- the renovation has been great, so come by and check it out. The format will be the same as the previous years, with engaging talks, table top exhibits, and good food, for $20 early registration, or $40 onsite (same as last year). Use this webpage to register.
Parking is Free!
Check out our web page-
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Preliminary Antenna Talks
“Monolithic Optical Phased Arrays “, by Prof. Hossein Hashemi, USC
“Time-Varying Electromagnetic Systems”, by Prof. Ethan Wang, UCLA
“Low cost phased-arrays for Ku- and Ka-band SATCOM and 5G “, by Prof. Gabriel Rebeiz, UCSD
“Liquid-crystal Based Reconfigurable Holographic Metamaterial Electronically Scanned Antennas “, by Dr. Nathan Kuntdz, Kymeta.
“HFSS Dynamic Range Reduces Trips to the Antenna Range”, by Dr. Larry Williams, Ansys.
Preliminary Microwave talks
“Engineered and Full 3D RF Materials”, by Dr. Vesna Radisic Northrop Grumman
“Plasmonic Terahertz Devices for High-Sensitivity Terahertz Imaging and Sensing Systems “, by Prof. Mona Jarrahi, UCLA
“Time Domain Measurements for Test Site Validation above 1 GHz: Implications of Site VSWR Measurement Uncertainties on Radiated Emissions Measurements”, by Zhong Chen, ETS-Lindgren
“PolyStrata Technology: Enabling New Architectures for Phased Arrays”, by David Sherrer , president of Nuvotronics.