March 10, 2017 | Posted by Frank Gomez under |
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2 New Montgomery St
San Francisco, CA 94105
Join us for the 1st annual IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit & Honors Ceremony Gala “IEEE VICS” on 25 May 2017 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.
Engineers are at the center of innovation. They have improved our quality of life and changed the way we live, work, communicate, and obtain knowledge. Evolutionary changes would not have been possible without the work of engineering and technology pioneers, whose work inspires others to turn today’s impossibilities into tomorrow’s realities.
IEEE is the trusted source of information from research and standards to conferences and education, and we plan to leverage that trust and curate a new event that demonstrates IEEE’s breadth and reach. We have created a one-day event to showcase the breadth of engineering by bringing together innovators, visionaries, and leaders of technology to discuss what is imminent, to explore what is possible, and what will these emerging areas mean for the future. The 2017 IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit (2017 IEEE VIC Summit) will present a unique opportunity to meet, mingle, and network with peers and some of the top technology “Giants” in the world.
The IEEE VIC Summit and Awards will include dynamic speakers in an interactive setting and culminate with the evening’s festivities that will include the celebration of contributions of some of the world’s most revered innovators, leaders, and legends at the Honors Ceremony. The IEEE Honors Ceremony presents IEEE’s highest-level awards for exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions that have made a lasting impact on technology, society, and the engineering profession.
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.