Instrument Transformer Testing Workshop Hosted by Southern California Edison
March 18, 2017 | Posted by Frank Gomez under |
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7300 Fenwick Ln
Westminster, CA 92683
OMICRON will conduct an all day workshop in SCE, Westminster office on “Field testing of Relaying Current Transformers IEEE C57.13.1-2006”, Cost $150
RSVP by March 22nd
Instrument Transformer Testing Workshop Hosted by Southern California Edison | April 5, 2017 |
![]() Instrument transformers are crucial for a reliable and safe energy supply. During the lifetime of instrument transformers, a number of internal and external factors may change the operational behavior and endangers a safe and reliable mains operation. In the worst case, the instrument transformer may fail in operation or a malfunction might occur. Applying effective measurement methods to Instrument Transformers, production processes, commissioning and maintenance of ITs can be improved. Southern California Edison will host an OMICRON workshop on April 5, 2017. The workshop will provide you with a primer on instrument transformers design and testing, including a comparison of conventional methods versus innovative test methods.
Seating is limited – Registration deadline is March 22. Application examples will be provided, including a review of practical experiences of performing the following tests on CTs, VTs and CCVTs: