UC Riverside’s Inaugural Energy Storage Technologies and Applications Conference
March 15, 2018 | Posted by Frank Gomez under |
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1200 Columbia Ave
Riverside, CA 92507
Dear Colleagues,
Via this email, I would like to invite you and your students to attend UC Riverside’s Inaugural Energy Storage Technologies and Applications Conference hosted by the Winston Chung Global Energy Center (WCGEC). The conference will take place on Friday, April 13, 2018, at the Bourns Technology Center (1200 Columbia Ave.). Here is summary of the conference agenda.
This year, the conference will focus on two pillars of energy storage technologies as well as system integration, operation, and business models for energy storage, ranging from applied research, to proven technologies and services offered by companies, to case studies of demonstrated projects. The conference will also provide a forum for faculty, researchers, practitioners, regulators, technology developers, community leaders and utility companies to share the latest advances and future opportunities for energy storage and applications in power systems.
The conference is addressing topics that include, but are not limited to:
- Opportunities and services of energy storage for California utilities and CAISO
- Applications of energy storage in residential and commercial buildings
- Applications of energy storage in transportation electrification
- Applications of energy storage in integration of renewable energy resources
- Next generation of battery and other energy storage
- Participation and impacts of energy storage on energy market
- Energy storage supply chain, components, and technologies
- Safety of energy storage
- Performance monitoring, and innovative operation management and controls
We hope that you and/or your students are able to attend and/or present your work. If you would like to attend, please email me. I will gladly provide you a complementary registration (free of charge). Feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have.
The Winston Chung Global Energy Center also invites undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the Student Poster Contest at the Inaugural Energy Storage Technologies and Applications Conference. Students are invited to submit posters from past or ongoing projects relevant to the topics areas of the conference. The accepted posters will be printed and displayed at the conference during the Student Poster Session. Three Awards (First place $1000; second $400; third $200) will be made to the contest winners. Submissions are due March 26, 2018.
For your reference, here are the URLs to our current event:
Event description: http://www.wcgec.ucr.edu/events.html
Online complimentary registration: http://www.wcgec.ucr.edu/wcgec-reg.html
Student poster contest: http://www.wcgec.ucr.edu/events/postercontest.html
Conference e-mail WCGECconf@wcgec.ucr.edu
Programming and Organizing Committee:
Dr. Reza Abbaschian
Dr. Hamed Mohsenian-Rad
Dr. Nosang Myung
Dr. Juchen Guo
Dr. Chan Seung Park
Dr. Hossein Akhavan-Hejazi
Dr. Hamidreza Nazaripouya
WCGEC NRG Storage Conf Flier 22718a